ASF355 to EAU with kt 0,55
ASF355 with kt 0,6 in S355
ASF460/ASF500 to EAU with kt 0,55
ASF460/ASF500 to E420
Nominal diameter (D) Length (a) / mm Outside diameter (b) / mm Hole diameter (f) / mm Weight (kg)
Muffe I M39 M39 120 63.50 25 1,90




ASF460 / ASF500 to EAU with kt 0,55
ASF460 / ASF500 to EAU with kt 0,6 in S355
ASF355 bis ASF500 with kt 0,9 in S355

Nominal diameter (D) Length (a) / mm Outside diameter (b) / mm Hole diameter (f) / mm Weight (kg)
Muffe II M39 M39 120 63.50 25 1,90

All calculations and data are subject to supervision of the customer!

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