ASF355/460/500 to EAU with kt 0,55
Anchors ASF355 with kt 0,6 in S355

Weld seams are not shown but information can be supplied and they are included in the calculations. The weld seams actually required depend on the calculations carried out by the design office.

All dimensions are based on axial loads in the principal direction. Situations with inclined loads, bending or torsion depend on the detailed calculations carried out by the design office.

Dimensions do not include an allowance for corrosion; such detailed calculations must be carried out by the design office.

Width, longitudinal plate (b1) / mm Thickness, longitudinal plate (t1) / mm Length, transverse plate (l2) / mm Width, transverse plate (b2) / mm Thickness, transverse plate (t2) / mm Hole diameter / mm Hole spacing (e) / mm
T-Anschluss für Anker Typ I M39 70 20 300 80 15 34 40


ASF355/460/500 with kt 0,9 in S355

Weld seams are not shown but information can be supplied and they are included in the calculations. The weld seams actually required depend on the calculations carried out by the design office.

All dimensions are based on axial loads in the principal direction. Situations with inclined loads, bending or torsion depend on the detailed calculations carried out by the design office.

Dimensions do not include an allowance for corrosion; such detailed calculations must be carried out by the design office.

Nominal diameter Width, longitudinal plate (b1) / mm Thickness, longitudinal plate (t1) / mm Length, transverse plate (l2) / mm Width, transverse plate (b2) / mm Thickness, transverse plate (t2) / mm Hole diameter / mm Hole spacing (e) / mm
T-Anschluss für Anker Typ II M39 M39 70 20 300 80 15 34 60

All calculations and data are subject to supervision of the customer!

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