
DIN 609 Hexagon fitting bolts with long thread full dog point
DIN 610Hexagon fitting bolts with short thread full dog point
DIN EN ISO 4014 (former DIN 931)Hexagon bolt with shaft - product classes A and B
DIN EN ISO 4016 (former DIN 601)Hexagon bolt with shaft - product class C
DIN EN ISO 4017 (former DIN 933)Hexagon bolt with thread to the head product classes A and B
DIN EN ISO 8765 (former DIN 960)Hexagon bolt with shaft; fine thread product classes A and B
DIN EN ISO 8676 (former DIN 961)Hexagon bolt, fine thread with thread


Dimension and technical data
Property classes:3.6 – 14.9
Thread length:to norm
Thread dimensions:  M12 – M150
Possible surfaces: raw, bronzed, galvanized (tZn/galZn), phosphated, zinc flake coating


Examples of ASF-Anker hexagon bolts:

Hexagon bolts with shaft DIN EN ISO 4014

Dimensions:      M20x80

Surface:          raw

Hexagon bolt with shaft DIN EN ISO 4014

Dimensions:       M33x130

Surface:           thermal galvanized (tZn)

Hexagon bolt with shaft DIN EN ISO 4014

Dimensions:       M56x4x1500

Surface:           galvanized (galZn)


Hexagon bolt with thread to the head DIN EN ISO 4017

Dimensions:       M42x110

Surface:           thermal galvanized (tZn)

Hexagon bolt with thread to the head DIN EN ISO 4014

Dimensions:       M56x900

Surface:           1.4410


All measurements in mm.

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