Our round steel anchors convey the bearing strength in a backwards anchoring of sheet pile walls to the anchorage point (anchor wall).
Because of their flexible design (fitting length, thread length, installation position, diameter, primary material), they represent the most economic type of sheet piling anchoring.

Company ASF-Anker provides anchors whose dimensioning are referring to EAU 2012 (Recommendation of the working commitee for Waterfront Structures) as well as DIN EN 1993-5 (Eurocode 3: dimensioning and construction of steel constructions - Part 5: poles and sheet piles).
The rolled connection threads of the anchors excel through high profile accuracy, cold hardening and small notching effect (no disruption of the fiber course).
The threads aer either rolled onto the anchor directly or onto previously upset endings. In the second case, the ballast resistance of the anchor in the threaded section is even higher than in the shaft.

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